Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Tuesday, October 19

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today, but it was a basically a Monday, so I don't have too much to write.

In the morning, the students wrote in their journals, did some spelling practice, went to the library, and did some math problems. Today we did some 2-digit subtraction problems, some involving borrowing, which I still believe is the most challenging math concept we cover until Grade 5. It's a long process but if we practice a bit every day I know we'll get the hang of it.  Any practice at home will also go a long way! The video below is one I use year after year - hopefully it will get stuck in their heads.

We talked about Bat Life Cycles today. Well, first we just talked about the word 'cycle', and what other kinds of 'cycles' we know about, then we talked about 'life cycles', and finally we talked about the specific life cycle of a bat. The students cut out and glued pictures and words into their bat books to show a bat's life cycle in simple terms. One interesting thing we learned is that baby bats hang off of the mom bat for a few weeks before they are able to fly on their own.

In the afternoon, we had gym, Literacy Group time, recess, and music.

Have a nice night!


Thursday, October 21: Pajama Day

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Pajama Day - March 14