Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thursday, October 7

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today although it seemed a bit louder than usual.

In the morning, we learned about 'the first Thanksgiving', did the spelling quiz, and then did some Thanksgiving writing. Students wrote their choice of a paragraph or a poem about Thanksgiving. 

We had a good talk about not rushing through work, and instead, using every minute of the Work Period to find ways to make their work even better. I asked the class to think of Work Period like "electronics time". If your parents give you 20 minutes to play video games, do you just finish one level? Or do you use all 20 minutes to do as much as you can? I know Work Period is not quite as fun as electronic time (although some students claim it's actually more fun), but I hope the analogy will help the class moving forward.

Anyway - after the talk, the students actually did a fantastic job of finding ways to enhance their work, and I think for a lot of students, this was their biggest writing success of the year!

We continued to learn about bats and work on our bat projects. Today, the students labelled bat diagrams. Did you know that bats have really long fingers? Or that most 'megabats' actually have pretty good eyesight, and don't use echolocation?

In the afternoon, we worked in Literacy Groups, played Kickball in Gym, and went to Music.

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And have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14