Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thursday, October 14

 Happy Crazy Hair Day!

We had a pretty fun day today, that also had some real shining moments of academic brilliance (mostly in the morning - that's usually when those happen).

The students listened to an African folk story called "Why The Bat Hangs Upside Down". Interestingly, despite all of our extensive bat research, I don't think we've actually stumbled across the answer! We talked about how indigenous peoples around the world often used stories to explain natural phenomena, before scientific approaches became popular.

The students did an excellent job completing a "Diary of a Bat" writing task, in which they pretended to be bats, and wrote about a typical 'day in the life'. They turned out so well that many students asked to share their work by reading it aloud to the class. We didn't have enough time for everyone to share today, but we'll have more opportunities tomorrow.

We completed a Crazy Hair Day art project, in which the students used straws to blow paint around on a bald self portrait. That's the best way I can think of to describe it. The picture below will probably help.

Tomorrow is our Spelling Quiz! 

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14