Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday, October 25

 Hi parents,

Today was a pretty typical Monday in Room 4, not a whole lot to report!

We went to the library, worked on journal writing, practiced spelling words, and continued to work on subtraction in math. When writing, the students have started to underline words they're unsure of how to spell, to make their editing easier later.

We watched a cool episode of Molly of Denali that taught the students about the adaptations of huskies, and the importance of radio communication in remote northern communities. 

In the afternoon, we had a sub-par Daily 5 session and had to regroup, discuss expectations, and give it another go. The second time was much better.

We finished reading Wayside School! The last two stories were Stephen and Louis, and both were great.

Raz-Kids has been renewed at LBS! 

Just a reminder, to access Raz-Kids at home:

1. Go to

2. Click 'kids login'

3. Enter my username: zlink

4. Find your name and enter password (I can provide / change these if anyone forgets)

There are lots of exciting things happening at LBs in the near future:

Upcoming Dates:

Friday, October 29: Halloween at LBS

-Costumes encouraged, no weapons, blood, etc. 

-Still no treats allowed, sadly

Nov. 2: Photo Retake Day

Nov. 4: Moustache Day

Nov. 11: Remembrance Day (no school) and...

also Nov. 11: Freezer Feastival Orders due

Have a nice night,


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