Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday, September 28 (Orange Shirt Day tomorrow!)

 Hi parents,

The students worked hard today and we started a bunch of new work tasks.

In the morning, we watched this video about Orange Shirt Day. Don't be fooled by the beginning - even though it may seem to be geared towards a very young audience, it does an awesome job explaining a number of significant, complex topics in a way that kids can understand and empathize with.

We rewatched our "What is Summer For?" video from last year. I challenged the students to write scripts for a 'sequel', titled, "What is Fall For?" Basically, they had to come up with a list of fun things to do in the fall. Some students brought their scripts home and are hoping to act out some scenes with their families, so get ready!

We did some math worksheets around the concept of place value, and I feel like the students are starting to get the hang of it. I'm also getting better at finding ways to challenge the students who may be finding it a bit easier, so all around, there are some exciting things happening in math.

In the afternoon, we did some work in Literacy Groups. We also participated in a Hearing and Sound "Virtual Exhibit", which taught the class a bit about how hearing works, and how hearing can be affected if hair cells in the ear are damaged.

Today was also picture day, and that went smoothly. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all turn out! Retakes will be available mid-October if needed.

Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day. If your child doesn't have an orange shirt, please encourage them to wear one of their favourite shirts. Last year, Elder Shirley told us that it's not about the colour of the shirt, but what the shirt represents - we're all very fortunate to go to a school where we can be ourselves!

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14