Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tuesday, September 21

 Hi parents,

The enthusiasm leading up to our Terry Fox run has continued to grow! This morning, we watched another video about Terry Fox, and continued our discussion from yesterday. The students had even more thoughtful contributions to make. 

Today, our classroom's unofficial 'Terry Fox Club' allegedly ran 200 laps around the playground to practice for tomorrow's run. Another group of students formed a separate "Terry Fox Club" and did exercises at recess. Another recess fitness club was also formed - it's really cool to see so many students taking the initiative and making these things happen!

The class got a 'sneak preview' of our Virtual Open House video, which is going to be sent out to families on Thursday evening. In the spirit of open houses, I've asked the students to act as virtual tour guides for parents, by explaining parts of the video and how they relate to our day to day activities.

The students made Terry Fox posters, by arranging images, titles, and original text. They also traced their shoes.

Today is International Peace Day, so we also created Peace Books in the afternoon. We continued to work on Place Value in math.

Tomorrow is our Terry Fox Run, as I'm sure you know! Please help your child make sure they're dressed for some outdoor physical activity.

Have a nice night,


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