Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thursday, September 23

 Hi parents,

Today was a nice way to wrap up our short week.

In the morning, the Grade 3 students did their math assessments, and I am really happy to be done with almost all of the obligatory start-of-year assessment stuff. I missed being able to interact with the class during Morning Math and Explore and Play.

We had our Spelling Quiz, and then did a place value colouring activity, in which students had to colour numbers according to statements regarding place value. For example, students would be given two numbers, "512" and "355", and instructed: "Colour in the number with 5 in the hundreds place". 

I like this activity because it incorporates a bit of reading comprehension as well as math knowledge.

We talked about the book we've been reading, "Sideways Stories from Wayside School", and the students wrote about their favourite short story, and which character they were 'most like'. 

In the afternoon, we did Daily 5, and a Kids Art Hub drawing lesson. We talked about Scarecrows, and whether or not they are effective ways to protect crops from crows. We watched an episode of Molly of Denali, and talked about the importance of storytelling in many indigenous cultures, and we also shared some experiences related to fish and fishing.

The Virtual Open House video is ready to watch! The students have seen it several times now and are ready to tell you all about it. It may not be quite as fun as a real tour of the classroom, but it's the best we can do unfortunately.

Please note - our first formal parent-teacher conferences are in November! 

Have a nice weekend!


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