Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thursday, September 16 (PJ Day Tomorrow!)

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today that was full of entertaining class discussions.

In the morning, we watched a Magic School Bus episode about bats. The students discussed whether or not they thought Ms. Frizzle might secretly be a vampire. We created a T-Table to contrast the arguments for, and against, her being a vampire. We also made a pictograph to show how many students voted yes and no. I'm hoping that using these organizational tools will encourage students to create tables, graphs, and charts when doing their own 'research'.

We did some more watercolour painting too, through a similar activity to yesterday's. This time, the students painted their entire sheet using cool, 'night time' colours, leaving only a single circle blank. This circle is going to be the full moon as we continue working on these art pieces, and the students are going to add landscapes and even some bats! 

We are learning about bats as an exciting introduction to our Hearing and Sound science unit. 

In Math, the students worked on some number representation worksheets. We're starting to delve into slightly more advanced territory now, using numbers in the hundreds and even thousands! Not bad for the third week of school.

In the afternoon, we discussed the difference between 'literal' and 'figurative' meaning, and the students brainstormed common expressions that we never use in a literal context - for example "I'm freezing!", "You just got roasted", "I'm dead meat", etc.

Tomorrow is Pajama Day, and it is also our spelling quiz. The students earned a Pajama Day extra quickly this year because they have been extra well behaved. 

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14