Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday, September 13

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today and did a lot of typical "Monday tasks". If your child has been in my class since last year (or before!) I apologize, this blog post will be incredibly familiar.

We started our day off with Morning Math and journal writing. I'm trying to help students find ways to incorporate new techniques into their writing, so today, they were challenged to begin their journal entry with a sound effect that was some how connected to their weekend. For example: "Splash! That is the sound of me jumping into the pool. On the weekend I went swimming."

The students had some time to work on the short stories they started last week. They're just about finished now and I'm excited to share them!

We talked about this week's spelling words, and everyone had a chance to practice them. 

In the afternoon, the students learned about the "Listen to Reading" stage of our Daily 5, which means we only have one more station to go before we can officially introduce Daily 5! Just to recap - Daily 5 is a designated time for students to engage in a variety of literacy tasks, independently or in small groups. Daily 5 is great because it gives me a chance to read with small groups of students while the rest of the class is occupied with familiar activities that they can complete with minimal support. 

The students had some time to work on 'representing numbers' pages in their math books, and then we ended our day with recess and Music.

Please send back your forms envelope if you have not already done so!

Have a nice day,


Upcoming Dates:

Sep. 22: Terry Fox Run 

Sep. 29: Orange Shirt Day

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Pajama Day - March 14