Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Wednesday, June 2

Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today in spite of the school not having air conditioning.

Most of our morning was dedicated to boat building, which the students seemed to really enjoy! First, they built the 'hull' of their boat by taping two bottles together. Then, then added a 'deck' on top of the bottles using scrap paper. Finally, they used 3-D Shape Nets to add structures on top of their decks. I was a bit nervous about this step because cutting out and folding shapes can be difficult for younger students, but with enough masking tape, it all worked out! 

Tomorrow we're going to attempt to paint the boats... I'm equally nervous about that step.

The students did a fun math activity called "The 3D Shape Awards", in which they gave 'awards' to a variety of shapes based on their qualities. The categories were: Most Fun, Most Useful, Most Boring, and Most Dangerous. The class had to explain which shape was the winner of each category, and why. 

There were some awesome discussions that came from this activity because there were no 'right' or 'wrong' answers. For example, some students thought that 'spheres' were the most fun shape, because they're so crucial in ball-based games. Other students thought 'cones' were the most fun, because they're crucial in ice cream-based activities. If you're looking for something interesting to talk about tonight at dinner, look no further.

Tomorrow is beach day! Unfortunately we are not able to actually go to the beach, but students are encouraged to wear summery clothes, bring stuffies, and maybe even bring small squirt guns (no super soakers!) 

On Friday, we will be having Orange Shirt Day

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14