Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tuesday, June 22

 Hi parents,

Sorry about the lack of a blog yesterday - this last week is always a bit hectic. I wish I could say today's blog would be exciting enough to make up for it, but sadly I don't think that's going to be the case...

Today was a fun day in room 6! In the morning, we had Music / Drama class, and then read some Junie B. Jones. The students did a 'character sketch' of Junie, and wrote sentences and words to describe her as a character.

We did some skip-counting practice, by 2's, 5's, 10's, and 100's. 

In the afternoon, we watched the movie "Treasure Buddies", which follows the same group of puppies as "Space Buddies". But it also features a camel and some monkeys. 

Tomorrow is the Room 6 Talent Show! If there are any last-minute entries, remember you can upload a video on Google Classroom and I'll gladly include it in the show tomorrow. Last-minute live performances are also welcome, and I'll record any live performances and share them after.

Have a nice night!


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