Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Tuesday, June 15

 Hi parents,

We had another good day today!

In the morning, the students had some time to experiment with magnets outside on the playground (which is conveniently made of steel).

We had Drama / Music class, and then started working on the "Neighborhood Brochure" project. Today, the students just had to do the cover page for their brochures. It featured the name of the community, a colourful picture, and a catchy slogan. The slogans ended up being really funny.

We practiced spelling, played kickball, and had work period time.

I'm impressed by how hard the students are working - usually at this point in the year, they're pretty tapped out, but I'm not seeing that with this group!

Please remember you can submit Talent Show Videos on Google Classroom

Have a nice night,


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