Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wednesday, March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today was a very fun day for the class - in fact, I have never met a group of kids with more St. Patrick's Day spirit! The students spent most of the morning investigating the mysterious leprechaun shenanigans  that have been occurring around LBS. They wrote letters to "Lucky" the leprechaun, and lots of students also made drawings, crafts, and pots of gold for him (or her).

The students wrote in their journals about how they would convince Lucky to come out and visit them. Some students wrote about how they would trap a leprechaun. 

We had a long work period so the students could catch up on their work from yesterday. 

We continued to practice 2-digit subtraction with regrouping. It's coming along really well! 

Ms. Brady read the story "Leprechaun on the Loose" aloud to the class (in her authentic Irish accent!), and then the students did a 5-finger retell worksheet in which they identified the characters, events, and setting of the story. 

In the afternoon, we did another Mindfulness lesson with Ms. Pavey. We had a somewhat questionable cleanup. I think the students are starting to push the boundaries with Ms. Rehill a bit more this week now that she has started to teach more lessons. 

Have a fun night! Don't forget to drink lots of water!


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Pajama Day - March 14