Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Tuesday, March 9

 Hi parents,

We had a really good day today!

In the morning, the students had Music class, and then they worked on a writing activity meant to go with Student-Led Conferences. For this activity, students wrote about things they have learned over the course of the year - things that they will finally be able to show you when they take all of their workbooks home on Thursday!

We had a long work period this morning to help everyone catch up on all of yesterday's work. The 2-digit addition is continuing to go exceptionally well. 

In the afternoon, we tried a more structured approach to Daily 5 and that was also a big success! Having two teachers in the room has been hugely beneficial in ensuring every Daily 5 group is on task, selecting appropriate leveled books, and working collaboratively with their peers.

We did some scarf-juggling in gym.

Our end-of-day cleanup was comically bad but I'm confident that we can fix it moving forward. I think today I probably could've put 15+ names up in the Listening Club for being silly during cleanup time, but unfortunately I couldn't write fast enough and the rest of them got their act together after I'd only written down ten. I think the students are struggling to grasp the idea that when I tell them it's cleanup time, they need to start cleaning right away. I think if even just a few more students would stop what they were doing and start tidying, it would create a ripple effect that would get the whole class working together.

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14