Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thursday, March 25 (PJ Day Tomorrow!)

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today!

In the morning the students had Music class, math time, and work period. Ms. Rehill taught a very informative and fascinating lesson on the Titanic, as many students have started to show an interest in it lately. It's perfect timing because we're just starting to look into Boats and Buoyancy. 

We did Daily 5 and Spelling practice too, of course.

In the afternoon, we had a Lockdown drill. The students did a great job with this despite not knowing it was coming! As such, we have earned a Pajama Day for tomorrow! We will also be watching a movie, so feel free to send a special 'movie snack' with your child (we wish we could still share popcorn). 

Tomorrow is not all fun, however, as we still do have a spelling quiz. I think the students have gotten a lot of quality practice in this week so I'm optimistic about this one!

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14