Monday, March 15, 2021

Monday, March 15

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today!

In the morning, we had a class discussion about "Natural Resources", using the classic strategy game "Age of Empires" as a visual aid. We talked about how humans use natural resources to help them survive, and how natural resources can be altered and combined to serve new purposes. 

Ms. Rehill led the students through a fun map-making activity in which they created detailed maps of our classroom using scrap paper.

The students also wrote in their journals about their weekends.

In the afternoon, we did Daily 5 and Spelling Practice.

It seems like a leprechaun may have moved in to our school library. Some students found a small door on the side of one of the shelves. The kids have started writing letters to the leprechaun and also creating counterfeit money to give to it.

Please remember to send your child's workbooks back to school tomorrow!

And also to wear green on Wednesday. :)

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14