Friday, March 5, 2021

Friday, March 5

 Happy Friday!

We had a good day today. In the morning, we split the class into two 'math groups' and working on 2-digit addition. 2-digit addition is the second most difficult concept students have to learn in Grade 1/2 (the first being 2-digit subtraction) so we will probably be spending a lot of time over the next couple of weeks just reinforcing this skill and applying it in different contexts.

Today we talked about the important role of 'place value' in solving 2-digit addition problems, and how it often helps to add the 'ones' column before the 'tens'. I asked the students to highlight the numbers in the 'ones' column first to help them remember this.

We attended a Virtual Assembly, hosted by rooms 7 and 8, about perseverance and never giving up.

The students did an excellent job with today's spelling quiz! Thank you for all your hard work at home.

We did a 'music appreciation' activity in which the students listened to three different songs, all written and performed by Irish artists. They drew pictures and wrote words to show what each song made them think about and feel. 

Student-Led Conferences: March 11 & 12

Student-Led Conferences are next week. If you have not booked a time yet, please do so through our school's website! These conferences will be virtual, but I'm hoping that we'll still be able to maintain the 'student-led' aspect. As such, students will be bringing home all of their workbooks next week in intentionally decorated paper bags. I'll include some potential 'guiding questions' you can ask your child to help spark some discussions about their learning this year. I'm sure they will be so excited to show you everything they've completed! 

After conferences, please send the workbooks back to school, as we'll need them for the following week's work. :)

Stay tuned for spelling words!

Have a nice weekend,


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Pajama Day - March 14