Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday, March 19

 Hi parents,

We had a great Friday today and did a lot of work focused on emotional regulation.

We started our day off with a virtual presentation from Elder Randy Bottle, who spoke about the importance of the Spring Equinox to the indigenous peoples of Alberta.

We had our spelling quiz in the morning, and then went outside for a picnic and body break. When we got back inside, Ms. Rehill taught the class about the "Zones of Regulation". This concept helps students understand how their emotional wellness may affect their behaviour, and what steps they can take to move back into the "green zone". The chart below summarizes what each 'zone' could look like in different students. 

We had some great discussions about how it is completely okay for people to feel blue, yellow, or red from time to time - the important thing to learn is how to identify your own emotional state and take positive steps to move back towards a calm, happy, focused mindset.

We did another "Music Appreciation" lesson in which the students listened to four different songs and drew pictures to show what each one made them think of. The songs each were intended to align with a different 'zone of regulation'. We listened to:

Riptide - Vance Joy

Sad Mood - Sam Cooke

Lookin' Out My Back Door - CCR

No More Mr. Nice Guy - Alice Cooper

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a nice weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14