Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tuesday, Feb. 16

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today - sort of a Tuesday that felt like a Monday.

The students met their new pre-service teacher, Ms. Rehill, which they were all quite excited about, and then we did our usual Monday jobs.

The students wrote about their long weekends, practiced spelling words, and reviewed the 'Th' letter blend. We read about the Thick, Thorny Thing, our Animated Literacy Character of the day.

Today the students had Music class too, which made it an especially fun way to start our week.

We started reading a new book series - Junie B. Jones! This series was one of my absolute favourites when I was younger and I hope the kids love it as much as I do. Ms. Rehill has graciously volunteered to read aloud to the class, and she did an excellent job.

Have a nice night,


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