Thursday, January 21, 2021

Thursday, January 21

 Hi parents,

We had an excellent day today! The students were kind to each other, followed the rules, and worked hard throughout the day. In the morning, we had Music, and then the class responded to the writing prompt: "If I was stranded on an island, I would want..."

I was super happy with how this writing prompt went because everyone seemed to be excited about it. The students did not need reminders to add colourful pictures, or add details, or use their neatest printing - it all just happened naturally. Great timing too, with report cards right around the corner...

We practiced spelling, did Daily 5, and worked more on 2-digit math problems. I'm teaching it a bit differently this year and trying to do a mixture of addition and subtraction problems, rather than focusing on one before the other. I'm hoping this approach will help students continue to look for the different + and - symbols, and also learn that addition and subtraction problems are solved in different ways. Sometimes I feel like teaching them separately causes kids to mix up the strategies. 

We ended our day with 'story telling', which has become part of our regular routine now it seems. I think that's so cool because it happened so organically. It's nice to see that even in 2021, kids still love telling and listening to stories. Who needs technology anyway.

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz. Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14