Monday, January 18, 2021

Monday, January 8

Hi parents,

We had a great Monday today that was a bit different from our usual Monday routine.

In the morning, the students listened to a book called "If I Had Animal Hair..."

They learned about different animals have different kinds of fur / hair that help them in many ways. We learned that Reindeer fur helps them to float in water. We learned about porcupines, pangolins, and lions too. The students chose an animal from the book and responded to the prompt: "If I had _______ (the animal they chose) Hair..."

We started working on our Sh- spelling words. For students who already practiced their words at home, it was just the same Sh-, different day. 

But that's alright because that's the best way to learn new words!

We've been doing basic addition and subtraction facts as part of Morning Math, and I have to say, I am absolutely thrilled with how well the students are doing! I don't think I've ever taught a class with such a solid understanding of basic addition and subtraction. These skills will undoubtedly help them throughout their education - keep up the great work at home!

In the afternoon, Ms. Thaxter taught the students about the 5 W's (Who, What, Where, When, Why). We talked about how understanding these words is important because they allow us to ask questions, which allows us to learn new things!

Have a nice night,


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Thursday, February 6

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, the students reviewed the many shape terms we've learned over the past few ...