Monday, January 11, 2021

Monday, January 11

 Hi parents,

First of all, I want to thank you all for your support and hard work during our online week of school. That must've been the most difficult first-week-back ever. The quality of work completely exceeded my expectations, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to assist and motivate your children to do their best.

We had a good first day back at school today! The students did a surprisingly good job of readjusting to our classroom routines and expectations after our exceptionally long winter break. 

This morning, the students met Ms. Thaxter, a pre-service teacher who will be working in our classroom for the next four weeks. I am sure she will have a wonderful experience getting to know the students, and grateful for the support and expertise she can provide during her time in our class!

The students wrote in their weekend journals, practiced the new spelling words (which I forgot to post on the Blog, sorry about that), and did a math activity based on measurement. For this activity, students used 'measurement' terms such as "empty", "full" and "half-full" to label a series of cup drawings and sort them in order from emptiest to fullest. 

The spelling words this week will be a bit trickier than usual, because they all involve the ch- letter blend. I'll post them, and some practice videos, on the blog right after this.

Have a nice night,


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