Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Wednesday, December 2

Hi parents,

We had a mostly good day today but once again we were somewhat bogged down by 'listening' issues. 

In the morning, the students worked on their egg shelters some more, and I think they are all just about finished by now. At the very least, they're all good enough to hold an egg. We used PebbleGo to read about how Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world. We talked about how learning about different holidays and celebrations is a great way to learn more about people from different countries and cultures. We also discussed how in Canada, many people celebrate holidays that originated in other countries - including Christmas!

We watched the video version of 'The Reflection in Me", which is a very heartwarming story about self confidence, self acceptance, and individuality.

The students wrote sentences using this prompt: "I like my ______ ________". In the first blank, they were asked to write adjectives, and in the second blank, they would choose a feature that they like about themselves. For example, "I like my blue eyes. I like my brown hair. I like my friendly smile. I like my fun imagination." etc. 
Unfortunately most kids had a really hard time with this one! I don't think it resonated the way I was hoping it would. Still, I hope children were able to take away some important lessons from the story, even if they had a hard time writing about them!

In the afternoon, we did spelling, Daily 5, Gym, and Animated Literacy with the letter 'C'. We once again missed 5 minutes of gym due to several very questionable cleanup attempts. 

Tomorrow is a school-wide Pajama Day, and also our extra difficult spelling quiz. Last minute practice will surely go a long way for this one!

And one last thing -

Hello LBS Families,

Please help us collect food items for our yearly food drive, so that we can help people in need have food to eat and stay healthy.  We will be accepting donations starting tomorrow until Friday, December 11th.  There is a wish list from the Calgary Food Bank, but all food items are appreciated. Even giving one food item makes a big difference to others.  Let's show people how generous LBS families are!

Thank you for your help! 

The Students in Rooms 16 & 17

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14