Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tuesday, December 8

 Hi parents,

We had another crazy day today unfortunately, it was the opposite of yesterday!! I had a record breaking ten students walking with me at recess today... hopefully things get better because I do not enjoy spending so much time getting students in trouble.

We had a good morning today - the students had a lot of fun doing Music class outside and checking on their egg shelters. We also did a writing task in which the students reflected on a holiday memory of their choice. I encouraged the class to approach this writing task with the same "how can I make this better?" attitude that we worked on during yesterday's writing.

In the afternoon, we practiced spelling, did Daily 5, and did a Body Break in the classroom. Gym didn't work out today due to questionable listening skills. At the end of the day we did an art activity where students learned how to draw Rudolph. We also spent some time cleaning out cubbies.

In math, we are still focusing on 2-D shapes. I think the main things students need practice with is just the terminology, particularly the word 'vertices', which I'm trying to encourage students to use instead of corners. It makes it easier to translate into 3-D shapes.

We had a great talk at the end of the day about school, behaviour, and listening. It is clear to me that our class is full of kind, caring students who do not mean to be disruptive or disrespectful - they just really like playing. The key to ensuring things get better is knowing when to play, and when to listen.

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14