Friday, November 27, 2020

Friday, November 27

 Hi parents,

Today was a great conclusion to our exceptionally well-behaved week. I ave out more A+'s than ever on this week's spelling quiz, and the students had a lot of fun designing their egg shelters.

We talked a lot today about heat and 'insulation'. We brainstormed reasons why insulation is important, and examples of insulators at home or in the classroom. The students thought it was interesting that insulation could be used to keep things warm or cold. 

We discussed some potential ideas for making an egg shelter. The students understood that their shelters should be small, cozy, and well-insulated, because if the eggs get too cold, they could crack.

We watched this video and paused it periodically so the class could make predictions. Next time, I'd like to actually try the experiment out with the class, but unfortunately I didn't have enough time to get the materials together.

We ended our day with Daily 5 and the Class Dojo Store, which was a big hit, as usual. 

Please remember to send "building materials" (aka, anything from a recycling bin) to school on Monday! Also if you have not sent back your purple family background sheet, please do so some time next week. 

Thank you and have a nice weekend!


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