Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Tuesday, October 13

 Hi parents,

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving weekend!

We had a good day today. The students responded to the prompt: "On the Thanksgiving weekend, I..." in their journals. I introduced the class to this week's spelling words, using a Jack Hartmann video to get everyone super pumped up about spelling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9FL2-cSRuE

We went for a nice walk in the neighborhood near the school, keeping an eye out for colourful plants, birds, and of course, traffic. The chilly morning was a perfect time to talk to the class about 'frost'. When we walked through the neighborhood, we noticed that frost wasn't just on the grass, it was also on the windshields of cars. The students were pretty excited about this. Once they start driving, they will realize how un-exciting it really is.

In math, we took a closer look at the concept of 'before' and 'after' in terms of numbers. I showed the students how they could use a number line to easily determine these. I think the best way to practice this is just by writing out the number sequence from 1 - 20, and saying the numbers out loud. 

In fact, I will give 2 bonus Dojo points to anyone who writes out the number sequence up to 20 at home and brings it to class tomorrow. This is your optional "blog homework".

In the afternoon, I showed the students how to access Raz-Kids at school. We also practiced writing using spooky, slime letters. The students are going to writing Halloween Monster Manuals, so today, we did the titled pages for those.

Have a nice night!


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