Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thursday, October 15

 Hi parents,

I am happy to report that we had a great day today!

In the morning, students we revisited the "I Am" signs from a couple weeks back. We reflected on Orange Shirt Day, and talked about how sad it would be if we were not allowed to 'be ourselves' school. I was really impressed by how much the students remembered about Orange Shirt Day. 

The students decorated their "I Am" signs with marker and they look fantastic now. They are much easier to read and I think they will look great in pictures. The plan is to take a picture of each student holding up their sign, while also wearing their favourite shirt, to celebrate individuality and self-confidence. Hopefully we'll get to do that sometime early next week. 

We read this book today too.

This morning, we went for a walk nearby the school and talked a bit about Canada Geese, and how they fly south for winter. Since we've been doing a lot of 'orienteering' lately, the students were able to quickly identify which direction south was. On our walk, a few students noticed pieces of cardboard that must've fallen out of a recycling truck. Before I could say anything, the whole class was picking up pieces of cardboard off the ground so they could be recycled back at school. I was so impressed - I don't know if I've ever seen such a strong sense of environmental stewardship in any class! Once the students had already picked up the cardboard, I made a point of reinforcing the importance of hand hygiene, especially when handling things you pick up off the ground, and that seemed to resonate with all of them. Luckily most kids were wearing mitts or gloves anyway.

Back in class, the students responded to this writing prompt: "I am not afraid of _______. I used to be afraid of ____." The class did an excellent job of sounding out the words they needed for their own responses. I think a lot of students realized they were a lot better at spelling than they thought!

In the afternoon, we had a Lockdown drill, which looked a bit different this year due to Covid restrictions, but still involved the students hiding quietly under tables for a long period of time. They did a great job with this and the whole class earned a couple of bonus points. 

We brainstormed "M" words today, met "Mimi Mermaid", and filled in printing practice sheets with the letter M. Due to Copyright, I can't upload our printing practice worksheets to the Google Classroom. If you're at home and looking for equivalent activities, I recommend just writing the letter in Upper and Lower Case form (10 times each), and then brainstorming 4-6 words that start with that letter and drawing pictures of those words.

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz! I have a good feeling about this one. It is also a school spirit day, so children are encouraged to wear their school shirts.

Have a nice night!


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Tuesday, March 11

 Hi parents, We had another pretty good day today. In the morning, we zeroed in on one of the common issues students faced with their paragr...