Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Hi parents,
We had a pretty good day today! The students did an excellent job with their quiet reading time this morning and were able to earn back their Explore and Play privileges for tomorrow. We talked more about how communities, landmarks, and sports teams are often named after specific people, places, or events. Then, I told the students which 'landscape' they would be using to build their own community, and asked them to come up with some potential names for this community, based on the landscape.
By the end of the day, the groups had all come up with great names!
I'm getting ahead of myself though. We did more work around graphing today, and I was happy to see many of the students taking it upon themselves to create their own surveys and corresponding bar graphs during the work period. 
We had Music, Daily 5, and more work period time. We also had some excellent class discussions about mindfulness. 
I want to challenge the students to count, and graph, the quantities of some items around their house. For example, they could do a graph that compares the number of 'chairs', 'couches', and 'beds' in the house, or something along those lines. Or, for an extra challenge, make a graph of the numbers of spoons, forks, and knives! Since this is a fairly big task, I think I'll make it worth 4 dojo points instead of 2.
Have a nice evening,

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Pajama Day - March 14