Friday, March 6, 2020


Happy Friday!
Today was a busy day for our class. We had some work period time in the morning, followed by our spelling quiz, and then I taught the students about the importance of 'trading', especially in early communities. We discussed how in many historic communities, people would trade to get the things they needed. Trading is going to be a big part of our 'community project' (which I am tentatively calling "Settlers of Kanata") so I thought we should talk about it before we get started.
Then, I gave the groups a practice activity, in which they had to trade 'resource cards' with other groups in order to assemble a set of five different resources. They did quite well with this challenge and seemed to enjoy it a lot!
We went outside for gym because the gymnasium is still being used for One World Drumming. This week, we've started each of our outdoor gym sessions with a quick lap around the field. Today the weather was beautiful so there were hardly any complaints. Or maybe it's because everyone is getting in better shape!
We went to the gym to watch the other classes do their drumming performances. By the time that was over, it was time to clean up and head home. :)
Have a nice weekend,
PS: If anyone has had a poodle-shaped lunch kit or an orange blanket toy arrive at home unexpectedly, please let me know! They have went missing in class recently and I'm wondering if someone may have brought them home by mistake.

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Pajama Day - March 14