Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Hi parents,
We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, the students finished their Polymon books! I have to admit, I am a bit amazed by how well they turned out. Each student has now completed eight unique 'Polymon', and somehow, the quality of work has remained consistently great. I feel like this class has possibly gained a more thorough understanding of 2-D and 3-D shape attributes than any class I've taught so far - maybe I need to relate everything I teach to Pokemon?
We went outside for gym, because sadly we don't get to do Netball again until Friday, but the weather was pleasant and the students had a lot of fun. When we came back in, the class completed a Quiz about magnets. I guess technically it was a pop quiz, because they didn't know about it beforehand. I thought it would be nice to give the students some experience with quiz writing, because they'll probably see a lot more of it as they move on to higher grades. I even marked the quizzes with red pen. Don't worry - this quiz will play virtually no role in determining anyone's final science marks. :)
In the afternoon, the students worked very hard on a secret project, and then went to Music. 
Have a nice night,

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Pajama Day - March 14