Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Hi parents,
I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing Family Day long weekend!
We had quite a good day today all around - there were lots of moments when the class was almost eerily silent, as everyone was just completely focused on their work. I think the students appreciate the quietness as much as I do but sometimes it's just not feasible.
In the morning, the students wrote about 'family', in honor of family day. The students wrote about their parents, siblings, grandparents, and even pets, and described some of their favourite things to do with their favourite people. :) They also practiced spelling and went to the Library. 
In the afternoon, we had Daily 5, and then I read the class a book called "Where Do I Live?" This book was interesting because it showed the different 'layers' of where people live. For example, a person's house is within a neighborhood, within a city, within a province, within a country, and so on.... 
We're about to start a very cool project about how communities grow and develop over time. This project is going to involve a lot of collaborative group work, so today, we talked a lot about how to divide up tasks, resolve disagreements, and ensure everyone's voice is heard. I gave the students a fun, collaborative building task involving Lego, and they did an awesome job with it all around. :)
Have a nice night,

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Pajama Day - March 14