Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Hi parents,
Today was a really good day for our class, especially by Tuesday standards. In the morning, we used a 'virtual exhibit' to learn about ears, hearing, and hearing loss. The students had to listen to a variety of sounds, and identify them. Then, they heard each sound as it would sound if they had severe hearing loss. If you are interested in trying any of the exhibit activities at home, you can access the virtual exhibit here: http://dangerousdecibels.org/exhibit/virtual-exhibit/
This activity was part of our "5 senses" science unit. In the afternoon, we talked more about the senses, and discussed situations in which our senses can 'trick' us. For example, many animals have developed 'camoflague' to blend in to their surroundings and trick their predators sense of sight. The students explained how sometimes, food can smell really bad, but in reality it is healthy for us, and we should go eat it. Tomorrow we will be looking at some cool optical illusions.
Tomorrow we are doing our Wet Felting activity, first thing in the morning! 
Have a good night,

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