Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thursday, October 24

Hi parents,

We had another good day today! In the morning, I gave the students time to finish their weekly math work, aka "The Math Boss", and almost everyone was able to get it finished. I like how to Montessori Work Period allows kids to work on what they want, when they want, but sometimes it's nice to get the whole class working on the same task at once. It makes it easier for them to help each other out, and challenge themselves to complete the work at the same time as their friends.

The rest of our day was spent doing pumpkin stuff. And by that, I mean that the students completed mini books about pumpkin life cycles, and then learned about the parts of a pumpkin. They had to label a pumpkin diagram too. I was amazed at how quickly they were able to complete these jobs! Hopefully your child will be able to tell you at least one interesting fact about pumpkins tonight.

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz! Good luck!

Have a good night,


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Thursday, February 6

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, the students reviewed the many shape terms we've learned over the past few ...