Friday, October 18, 2019


Hi parents,
Pajama Day was a big hit! The students had lots of fun, but still tried their best, and so we were able to enjoy the day to its fullest.
In the morning, the students worked in their Math Groups instead of doing Quiet Reading, and I had the chance to teach some more subtraction lessons using the Golden Beads. This is the first year that I've taught subtraction before addition, and I think it has worked out pretty well! It's definitely a useful skill to have when the Class Dojo Store rolls around.
We also had our Spelling Quiz, and this week, I gave out more A+ scores than ever! I noticed that a lot more Grade 1's are trying to do both lists now, and having quite a bit of success too. :)
The students had a lot of time to work on their board games today. They're looking awesome so far. In fact, later in the day when we had "Fun Friday", many students asked if they could play their own games with their friends! I think that taking the time to play through the games is a valuable part of this project too, because it's the best way to identify areas for improvement. There are many students who get way too into the 'trap spaces', and then their games are basically just impossible.
Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a great weekend!

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Wednesday, March 12

 Hi parents, We had another pretty good day today. In the morning, we started one of my all-time favourite projects - it's a personal No...