Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tuesday, September 24

Hi parents,
We had a good day today! In the morning, we went to the Library, and some students checked out library books. If your child forgot to bring their book back today, I have been informed that they can bring it back any day this week, and check out a different one! 
When we got back from the library, we had Gym, and then we talked about the word "peace", following up on our discussions from last week. The students coloured in doves, and wrote their ideas of what peace means. 
In the afternoon, we did a Science activity involving Skittles. It sounds like many of the kids had already tried it at home, but if you haven't, I recommend it! All you have to do is create a circle of Skittles, around the edge of a white plate, and then put a small amount of water into the plate, so that all of the skittles get wet. It was amazing how quickly the colours started to mix! I'd never actually tried this one before so I was quite pleased.
Before we actually did the experiment, the students made predictions about what they thought would happen. Once the experiment was complete, they created sketched of their observations, and we talked about what had happened. This group of kids seem to be very engaged in class discussions, so we've been having a lot of them.
Have a great night!

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Pajama Day - March 14