Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday, September 27

Happy Friday!
Today the students wrote their third spelling quiz of the year, which went quite well, and then we went to Gym and Music. 
We had a long discussion about Orange Shirt Day, which is coming up on Monday, September 30! Many students did not know much about the origins of Orange Shirt Day, so we talked about Canada's First Nations peoples, Residential Schools, and the rights of children. We'll spend more time talking about it on Monday, but if you wanted to chat with your kids about it at home, there are some good videos on this website: . The first video uses child friendly language, and we usually watch it in class.
The students responded to the writing prompt: "I matter because _______". We talked about how every child matters, and deserves to feel safe, happy, and cared for at school. 
Have an excellent weekend, and remember that Monday is Orange Shirt Day!

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