Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thursday, September 28 (Orange Shirt Day)

 Hi parents,

Orange shirt day was a big success in our classroom. We had some great discussions and the students showed so much empathy through their contributions.

We officially met with our Grade 1/2 buddy class! We worked on a Truth and Reconciliation Day art project, which now is on display between our two rooms.

We attended the school's Orange Shirt Day assembly, and sat in circle while we learned and listened.

In the afternoon, we finished our Canadian History pages, by talking about reconciliation, and modern day Canada.

We also had our spelling quiz. Our class has earned enough points for the month of September to earn a special prize - which will ideally be revealed on Monday!

Thank you all for reading the blog and helping to support all the work we do in class. I really appreciate it. :)

There is no school tomorrow - have a nice long weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14