Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tuesday, January 24

Hi parents,

Today was an exceptionally good day for our class, which more than made up for yesterday's issues. Our morning work period was one hundred minutes long - that's over an hour and a half of self-directed work time! The students finished their writing task from yesterday (which was two+ paragraphs, the most we've done all year), as well as their morning math, spelling practice, and a quick french sentence.

In math, we learned about angles within polygons, and the 'rules' about them. For example, how the angles within a square always add up to 360. We reviewed terms like parallel, perpendicular, acute, and obtuse too.

The students practiced using contractions by taking pairs of words (for example:  I am,  He will, She has, etc.) and used them to create a contraction and then use it in a sentence.

In the afternoon, we talked more about the seven sacred teachings, and then did Daily LA.

We played Zookeeper in gym, and ended our day with multiplication practice. :)

Optional Bonus Table Point Opportunity:

Students were challenged to find and share an interesting fact about their table's "country" or "province".

Have a nice night!


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