Monday, January 16, 2023

Monday, January 16

  Hi parents,

First of all I want to apologize for having the wrong dates on every blog post from last week. Please don't hesitate to let me know next time 😅

Today, in honour of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we spent a lot of time learning about the man himself.

We had some fantastic class discussions around the history behind Martin Luther King Jr., and the ways in which our world has changed since then. 

Possibly the best discussion stemmed from the question: "If Martin Luther King Jr. could spend a day in our classroom, what would he think?"

I actually encourage you to ask your children that at home, because their answers were so incredibly thoughtful it actually made me emotional! If children are indeed the future then things are looking very bright.

In math, we learned about 'perimeter'. Students used rulers to measure the perimeters of various objects in the classroom. The class also seems to enjoy 'find the mystery side' activities. 

In the afternoon we had Music, Gym, and Daily LA.
We ended the day with more reading of The Little Prince. 

Have a nice night!


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Thursday, February 6

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, the students reviewed the many shape terms we've learned over the past few ...