Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Welcome Back!


Thank you for taking the time to find our classroom blog! As I mentioned in my email, I will be updating the blog every day (usually between 3:00pm - 4:00pm) with a quick summary of the day's events. Many parents have expressed that they enjoy reading the blog as a family and talking with their children about what they learned at school. Sometimes kids need a little bit of prompting when you ask them what they did in school, but once reminded, they can go on and on. This is a great way for them to consolidate new learning.
I will also post weekly spelling words on the Blog (though not this week, as it is only 3 days), which you may want to practice at home with your child.  I'll send out more detailed information on spelling at the end of the week.
Finally, the Blog can be helpful in keeping up to date with happenings at LBS (field trips, fundraisers, paperwork, etc.) I know you all have a lot to keep track of so hopefully my blog reminders will be helpful and not annoying.

Looking forward to the first day of school!


Pajama Day - March 14