Thursday, June 24, 2021

Thursday, June 24

 Hi parents,

Today was a great day for our class!

In the morning, the students had Drama, and while I wasn't there to witness the lesson myself, it looks like they learned how to mime...? They were surprisingly good at it too.

We did a "Fact Family" math activity.

The class also wrote in their journals about what they do when they win a game, versus what they do when they lose a game. This was inspired by the episode of Arthur we watched during snack, in which Arthur became a 'bad winner' and made his friends annoyed.

Earlier in the year, I gave the students the option to 'donate' their class Dojo points to charity. For every 10 points donated, I would put a dollar towards a charity that we picked as a class (this is roughly the cost of the dollar store stuff I'd normally sell at the Dojo Store, so it seemed like a reasonable exchange rate). We ended up raising $50 as a class, and today, we donated that money to The Ssubi Foundation - a charity that helps build schoolhouses in Uganda.

In the afternoon, one of our students taught the rest of the class how to draw realistic tornados, using shading and smudging. 

We did some spelling practice and then it was time for the virtual assembly.

Unfortunately there were some sound-related issues, but the reception was still positive! The good news is, the assembly has been posted on Google Classroom, so you can all view it as it was meant to be seen!

Let me know what you think!

Tomorrow is the last day of school. We had an emotional sharing circle at the end of the day where we reflected on all the good times. I let the kids know that even though I was grumpier than usual this year, I still really enjoyed teaching. them, and I will certainly miss them this summer. This particular group gave me so many laughs. I know that I am incredibly lucky to have had so much fun working through the covid year, as I know that was not the case for many.

I sent home the students workbooks today, as tomorrow we won't be using them. We'll still do some work, but the day will be mostly about saying goodbye, looking back on good times, and (unfortunately) cleaning the classroom. I'm dreading that part.

Have a nice night!


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