Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thursday, June 17

 Hi parents,

We had a relatively good day today. It was one of those rollercoaster days where the class was either working unnervingly quietly and diligently, or they were acting like barbarians. 

We've been starting each day off with skip-counting practice, and magnet exploration time. Most concepts in the Magnetism unit are best taught just by giving students time to experiment freely with magnets, and reminding them about vocabulary words, like 'attract', 'repel', and 'magnetic'.

The skip-counting is coming along well but I think the students could still use more practice!

We read a cool book called "Whose Hands are These?" It is about different jobs found in communities, and how 'hands' do different things in different occupations. The class worked through the "Goods and Services" and "Jobs" pages in their brochures. They're still looking awesome and I'm excited to send them home.

Thank you to everyone who emailed about the Talent Show - it's looking like a very promising lineup! Just a reminder that  on Thursday next week, we will also be hosting a virtual assembly, and although parents will not be able to attend, I will be posting the movie we're making to the Google Classroom. So stay tuned for that - it's going to be an exciting last week of school!

Being the strict and mean teacher that I am, I have asked the students not to bring any toys to school for the rest of the year. There have been quite a few toy-related incidents this week and I don't want our last few days to be spent arguing over silly things. 

Have a nice night!


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