Monday, December 16, 2019


Hi parents,
We had a pretty good day today! Most of our day was just spent with work period time though, so this blog post won't be too exciting.
In the morning, the students wrote in their Days of Christmas books, and in their journals. They also practiced spelling words and went to Music. Some students have started (and finished) our weekly math problems this week, which are all based around 'doubles'. Some students are even working on multiplication problems by 2, because multiplying by 2 is the same as adding doubles. Still, the students are thrilled that they are officially working on multiplication already, which is normally a Grade 3 concept.
In the afternoon, we had Daily 5, gym, and more work period. Here are some important dates that are coming up:
Pajama / Stuffy Day - Wednesday, December 18
We are having another PJ Day on Wednesday because I completely forgot to advertise the one from last Friday, so only a few kids actually got to participate. 
"Holiday Sweater Day" - Thursday, December 19
Everyone is encouraged to wear a festive sweater on Thursday. Since it is also the last day of school, we will be having a little party in the afternoon! If you are interested in sending snacks, please let me know! :)
Have a nice night,

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Pajama Day - March 14